BWMA Biweekly Calculator
Click on the link below to use the Calculator. The SAVINGS REPORT will amaze you as it includes, your balance each year using 3 payment options; standard monthly old-fashioned way, modern biweekly way and the modern biweekly way with some additional. You can actually choose to make your loan payoff whenever you want or need it to! Make your biggest payment (your mortgage) go away by your retirement date and enjoy home sweet home security in addition to your social security.
Check out your over-all cost of the loan, remaining term and interest savings. We even calculate an effective rate for you. How many years will you knock off? How many monthly payments will you not have to make? You are just a click away from finding out!
Check out your over-all cost of the loan, remaining term and interest savings. We even calculate an effective rate for you. How many years will you knock off? How many monthly payments will you not have to make? You are just a click away from finding out!